Crowdbitz - We Do AI - Services

Our Services

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Our Services

We offer a variety of services in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Data Analysis.
If you don't see something listed, ask us, it might be something we can help you with.

Chat Bots

ChatBots can range from simple FAQ echo bots to using Natural Language and Machine Learning

AI Image Analysis

We can use AI to sort, manage, filter, analyze and tag images.

IoT Cameras

Internet of Things Cameras can be used to identify crowd size, faces, dangerous situations and more

Natural Language

Natural Language services like LUIS enable translation, speech to text, and enhanced Chat Bots

Machine Learning

Machine Learning can take many iterations of testing and training. Harness Machine Learning to train your AI apps

AI Speech

Speech controlled devices, neural text to speech, and natural language bots and more

AI Web Search

Find what users are really looking for. AI Web Search is the ultimate catch all for Bots

AI Form Processing

AI can extract text from forms and determine if forms are correctly filled out

Facial Recognition

Computer Vision can be harnessed for facial recognition and comparison


Cognitive Services


Cups of Tea




Lines of Code


Work Process

Crowdbitz will work directly with your organization to build AI that enhances your operations.


Our consultants will meet with you to to discuss and plan your project.


We will design to your requirements, with data generated during consultation.


Testing during and after design will guide development and ensure success.

Reporting and Improvement

Testing and Machine Learning can be harnessed to provide continual improvement

Lets Talk

Contact us directly or through the ChatBot at the top and bottom of the page.